Nippon Instruments

AGS Scientific, Inc. and Nippon Instruments Corporation (NIC) were proud to be a part of last week's International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant (ICMGP) in Cape Town, South Africa.  We enjoyed visiting with current customers, colleagues, and the many researchers that made the...

The latest advancement in mercury analysis is now officially available and ready for delivery!  The all new Model RA-7000A Mercury Analyzer from Nippon Instruments Corporation is ready to improve your mercury analysis efficiency and reduce your reagent consumption & waste.  Check out our RA-7000A product...

  A groundbreaking new mercury analyzer will be officially released to the world from Nippon Instruments Corporation (NIC) in September 2022.  Come visit us at the Environmental Monitoring Conference 2022 from August 1-5 at the Hyatt Regency in Crystal City, VA, where we will have a...

Mercury spills are not isolated to laboratory environments, as they can also occur in many employee workplaces such as shipping warehouses, freight transport vehicles (airplanes, trains, trucks, etc), refineries & other industrial process plants.  Since mercury is a highly toxic element that can severely affect...

A new article using the NIC Model MA-3000 Mercury Analyzer for total mercury analysis and mercury isotope analysis was published earlier this year.  The MA-3000's usefulness for such analysis is detailed in the article, which can be downloaded by clicking here. "Simultaneous combustion preparation for mercury...