30 Jul ICMGP 2024 in Review
AGS Scientific, Inc. and Nippon Instruments Corporation (NIC) were proud to be a part of last week’s International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant (ICMGP) in Cape Town, South Africa. We enjoyed visiting with current customers, colleagues, and the many researchers that made the long trek to South Africa.
As both a sponsor and exhibitor, Nippon Instruments Corporation had multiple mercury analyzers on display, including a fully operation Model MA-3000 Mercury Analyzer that was used to measure mercury in the attendees’ hair live during the conference. In all, we tested well over 200 hair samples, and each was given a color-coded sticker to place on the world map. This allowed us to develop a heat map for mercury levels around the world based on the attendees of the ICMGP.
AGS Scientific, Inc. sponsored the locally-made bags given out to all attendees and assisted with mercury analyzer discussions in the NIC booth throughout the week. We always enjoy visiting with mercury researchers around the world and attending their technical presentations.
Being able to discuss mercury pollution as it relates to our air, our water sources, and our food sources allows all of us to appreciate the work being done by so many researchers. We all continue to learn and educate others, and we have seen a notable growth in the NIC Mercury Analyzer usage within this group.
We even found time to go see some penguins, take a tour to Cape Point and The Cape of Good Hope, and even check out the air monitoring lab. It was a full and eventful week focused on mercury pollution around the world. We look forward to continuing our discussions on mercury analysis!