Spectroscopes enable scientists to observe and identify elemental properties in a given spectrum of light. Since the early 19th century and throughout the history of spectroscopy, the fundamental characteristics of spectroscope instruments have remained relatively the same. Today, these products are still used for numerous research and educational applications.
Widely accepted for the research of gemstones, forensics, astronomy and other visible sources of light, optical spectroscopes provide extremely accurate and comparative readings. Diffraction grating spectroscopes work by separating wavelength components through angular dispersion. Using carefully engineered optical components, these spectroscope instruments allow users to observe a light spectrum produced by a given sample. While each spectroscope differs in its capabilities, all allow for the accurate examination of absorption and emission spectra.
Spectroscope Model 1701
Model 1701 is a Kirchhoff-Bunsen spectroscope primarily used for the observation of emission and absorption spectra. Widely accepted as a training instrument for schools and universities, it is easily calibrated with a moveable observation tube and ocular.
Key Features:
- Ocular (adjustable lock-screw) = 18mm / 90mm
- Objective (variable slit) = 18mm / 180mm
- Scale Tube (fixed) = 200 divisions, calibrated in wavelengths
- Flint Prism:
- 60°
- Dispersion Angle = C–F = 2°
- Length 20mm, height 30mm
- Other Accessories:
- 1714 scale illumination
- 1717 wavelength scale
- 1718 spare prism
- GL1 spare lamp 12V / 1W
Handheld Models 1501 and 1504
These handheld spectroscopes are suitable for schools, universities and portable laboratory applications. They are most ideal when it comes to qualitative spectral observations and examining the line spectrum of gas discharge lamps.
Key Features:
- Variable precision slit
- Amici type prisms
- Dispersion Angle = C–F = 7°
- Linear Dispersion = 60mm
- Other Accessories:
- 15081 scale illumination
- GL1 spare lamp 12V / 1W
Spectrometer-Goniometer 1836
This goniometer is used for the exact measurement of optical parameters of prisms. Model 1836 is also used as a prism spectroscope to observe qualitative data for emission and absorption spectra.
Key Features:
- Observation tube = Infinitely variable w/ ocular crosshairs
- Objective = 160mm focal distance
- Flint Prism:
- 60°
- Dispersion Angle = C–F = 2°
- Slit Tube = Symmetrical steel precision slit
- Scale Reading Precision = 1 angular minute
- Other Accessories:
- 1860 prism holder
- Rowland type grating (590 or 600 lines / mm)
- 1874 Scale Illumination with transformer (100 –240V)
- 1875 Scale Illumination without transformer
- GL1 spare lamp (12V / 1W)
Spectrometer-Goniometer SG1800
The SG1800 provides exact measurements for the optical parameters of prisms, including reflection angles, deflection angles, refractive index and the inside angle of a prism. This also acts as a prism spectroscope to effectively observe emission and absorption spectra of a given material.
Key Features:
- Observation Tube = Infinitely variable
- Ocular = Crosshairs w/ 15x magnification
- Objective = 160mm focal distance
- Flint Prism:
- 60°
- Dispersion Angle = C–F = 2°
- Slit Tube = Symmetrical steel precision slit
- Scale Reading Precision = 1 angular minute
- Other Accessories:
- Prism holder w/ retaining screws
- Diffraction grating holder
- Additional magnifying glass
- Dust case
For further specs on the Model SG1800, check out our brochure.
Why Choose AGS Scientific?
As a proud supplier of A.KRÜSS spectroscopes, we stand behind the quality of our products. Our in-depth knowledge of industry applications and device capabilities helps our clients decide on the right products for their analytical needs. We also consider any regulatory compliances or necessary quality standards that your situation requires. If you have any questions about our products or would like to place an order, contact us today.