Digestion Tubes & Reflux Caps

Digestion Tubes & Reflux Caps

Disposable Tubes for Sample Prep

Adding to our line of accessories for the analysis of mercury and other metals, we offer our line of disposable digestion tubes. We offer the most common 50-mL digestion tubes as well as many other sizes. There are four cap colors to choose from, including white, blue, gray, and natural. We also have disposable reflux caps to fit the digestion tubes.

AGS Scientific can assist you with sample collection and reagents designed specifically for the stringent requirements of trace metals analysis.  We offer products including Sample Collection Kits and EPA 1631E Reagent Kits, as well as other Trace Metals Grade Acids and more that are all certified for trace metals analysis. Contact us today to get more information.

AGS Products

Digestion Tubes & Reflux Caps


  • Sample Collection Kits
  • EPA Method 1631E and 245.7 Reagent Kits
  • Trace Metals Acids
  • Certified Mercury Standards
  • Certified Multi-Element Standards


  • Mercury Analysis by CVAAS or CVAFS
  • ICP-MS
  • ICP-OS
  • Other Trace Metals Applications